military practitioners rely on any one historical theorist's insights when
waging twenty-first century warfare? The answer is no. The future of global
conflict will side with the owner of the best ideas, not necessarily the
strongest competitor.[1] Therefore,
the military needs to not only out-fight opponents, it needs to out-think them.
No one theorist provides enough insights
to drive military thinking. Instead military practitioners should frame
twenty-first century warfare around an admixture of theorists with an emphasis
on those factors maximizing sophistication while remaining practical. For
this reason the two theorists, Jomini and Clausewitz, offer ingredients to
strengthen a military foundation for uncertain challenges.
Jomini's systematic approach to war
fighting is useful for the mass production effect of the military system. The
U.S. military is a massive bureaucracy that moves slowly in a fluid, dynamic
environment. It requires a certain amount of rigid, simple structure. Jomini’s
approach to break systems into manageable components speaks to the lowest
common denominator which should be the target audience for the military as a
whole. His principles of strategy and tactics are easy to understand. Likewise,
they are easy to teach. For instance, when defining rules for selecting
tactical positions, Jomini, in straightforward fashion says, "The rules to
be generally observed in selecting tactical positions are the following"[2] Without
parsing words he then goes on to list eight succinct rules that if followed
will guarantee the tactician a positional advantage. Jomini uses this checklist
methodology throughout his book, The Art
of War. In simple fashion he lists various rules, principles, maxims, and
parts, from the "six distinct parts" of the art of war to eighteen
principles related to logistics.[3]
The value of what Jomini espouses is that his lessons are easily translatable
into practical tools such as choosing lines of operation and selecting decisive
The benefit of a simple approach is that genius is not
required to understand it. More importantly, genius is not required to
implement it. Jomini breaks down elements of strategy and tactics into step by
step checklists to ease implementation for victory.[5] His
processes are easy to follow, and logically they make sense if one is attacking
a visible and known enemy. The problem, however, with a singularly en masse attack approach is that it
leaves the attacker vulnerable to over-commitment if the enemy is unknown and
For this reason Jominian warfare is
overly simplistic. Jomini himself acknowledges this when he talks about
applying mass against a decisive point.[6] He
says, “This principle has too much simplicity to escape criticism…” and then goes
on to defend any effort to objectively criticize the simplicity of his
principle.[7] In
his view, the only purpose of war fighting is victory; therefore, to achieve
victory commanders should just apply as much force as is necessary to achieve
it. John Shy makes the point that with regard to Jomini, “all energies [are]
focused on the sole aim of victory.”[8]
Consider, then, Usama bin Laden’s 2004
comments in which he said, "All that we have to do is to send
two mujahidin to the furthest point east to raise a piece of cloth on
which is written al-Qaida, in order to make the generals race there.."[9] Adhering
to a strict Jominian approach to simply attack Al Qaeda where they visibly
appear plays directly into Al Qaeda's hands and risks expending excessive
resources against a limited enemy. This illustration represents a dispersed
environmental complexity to which forces cannot mass.
Jomini does recognize that certain
types of wars can be complex, but he lacks depth when describing each. He acknowledges
that complexities associated with popular support, engaging in multiple wars,
and even insurgent uprisings exist, but only in-so-much as they are recognized.[10] Jomini's
method for engaging in counterinsurgency for instance, is just too terse:
make a display
of a mass of troops proportioned to the obstacles and resistance likely to be
encountered, calm the popular passions in every possible way, exhaust them by
time and patience, display courtesy, gentleness, and severity united, and,
particularly, deal justly."[11]
What Jomini lacks for
modern day warfare is a measure of sophistication able to adapt to complicated uncertainty,
like that of a counterinsurgency. Clausewitz fills the sophistication gap
particularly for the strategic levels of authority today.
While this essay does not attempt to
compare the complexity of today's global environment with that of the past, the
current and foreseeable global environment consists of influential dimensions
previously unknown, namely non-governmental actors and information technology.[12] Technology
specifically has closed the gap of
information between the planner and the operator such that the operator
potentially knows more about strategic impacts than the planner.[13]
This phenomenon requires a thinking soldier rather than one just able to
execute orders. These dimensions also require comprehensive thinking beyond
sets of simple principles. Clausewitz provides a basis for flexible, adaptive,
and comprehensive whole of government options to deal with what Donald Rumsfeld
terms, the "unknown unknowns."[14]
Clausewitz acknowledges that although
warfare seems simple, waging it is not.[15] The
elements of war entail more than just physical fighting addressed by all
elements of national power. This is his famous point regarding war as, "an
instrument of policy."[16]
The idea suggests that nations use war as one of many tools to deal with
problems, but he also strongly advises that the most important aspect of waging
war is determining which kind of war.[17]
This is a very important distinction between Clausewitzian and Jominian
thinking. When determining the kind of war to affect intended policy outcomes,
strategy practitioners must understand the nested intentions of military strategy
to that of the political or national strategy. Evidence of this is seen today
in the progressive transformation of strategy documents beginning with the
National Security Strategy and extending through the various service
strategies. Each subordinate guide builds on its superior in terms of narrowing
broad ideas into applicable concepts. Synthesizing political and military
thought requires a more sophisticated level of analysis than that of Jomini
because factors of national policy affect the very existence of a nation's
Moreover, no two conflicts are the
same. Every situation needs unique analysis and constant assessment. Clausewitz
teaches the practitioner to treat each war as, "an uncharted sea."[18]
The 'unknowns' account for what Clausewitz terms the 'friction' in war that
changes the dynamic of fighting from simple to difficult.[19] Dr.
Kautt illustrates this point with regard to technology outpacing strategic
planning in World War I.[20]
When strategic planning failed to keep pace with rapid technological advances (the
'unknowns'), a stalemate ensued (the 'friction'). General Rodriguez warns of
avoiding a similar knowledge to technology disparity by thinking critically
about what is unknown to the extent we should, "embrace uncertainty."[21] Military
practitioners should consider Clausewitz' view of war to comprehensively
account for unforeseen issues which complicate the simple.
The range of certain and uncertain future
threats will need to be matched with a balance of strength and intellect. Jomini
approaches warfare with a measure of certainty whereas Clausewitz approaches
warfare with a measure of uncertainty. Clausewitz helps the practitioner think
through the complexity of warfare problems. Jomini helps the practitioner apply
those thoughts with practical tools. No theorist singularly provides enough
insight into developing twenty-first century warfare. A mixture of concepts
from each theorist adds perspective to present day fighting. Future threats
will test our ability to be creative rather than mass power. Therefore,
adopting aspects from each theorists should guide future thinking particularly
with regard to out-thinking our competitors.
For additional research the author has conducted on the nature of conflict
management and threats including nuclear threats, illicit drugs, criminal
gangs, extremist organizations, and fragile states such as Somalia see
[2] Jomini,
Henri baron. The Art of War. Kindle Edition. Translated by G.H. Capt.
Mendel and W.P. Lieut. Craighill. Public Domain Books, 2009 Originally
published in 1862. See Kindle location 2492 or pg. 139 for the eight rules.
Jomini, Kindle location 66 or pg. 7 for the parts of the art of war and Kindle
location 3590 or pg. 195 for principles of logistics.
Jomini. The line of operations and the decisive point are two major themes consistent
throughout The Art of War. References to each are found within each chapter.
Jomini, Kindle locations 915-939. Jomini explains 13 points regarding strategy
and 8 points regarding tactics. They are in essence checklists.
Jomini. Kindle Location 890 or pg. 52.
Shy, John. "Jomini." In Makers of Modern Strategy from Machiavelli
to the Nuclear Age. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986. See p.
[9] In
2004 bin Laden released a video statement in which he warns the United States
that he will bankrupt the U.S. and its way of life by baiting the U.S. into
protracted war. Al Jazeera transcribed the statement into english. That
unedited transcript is available at:
See Jomini The Art of War. Throughout he addresses various complex aspects of
types of wars.
See Jomini, Kindle Location 333 or p. 22.
The 2010 National Security Strategy maintains a consistent thread with regard
to the uncertainty of non-state actors and technology challenges. This author
has rephrased the actor as non-governmental recognizing a trending power
diffusion from state and even non-state governments to state and international
commercial and non-commercial power bases. Global international businesses and
crime organizations fall into this category for instance.
W. H. Ambushes and Armour The Irish Rebellion 1919-1921. Dublin: Irish
Academic Press, 2010. See pp. 29-30. Dr. Kautt raises a very important question
in his book by asking, "does the frontline rifleman know how to fight the
war, or does he know how to fight the battle?" The question implies that
today's soldier possesses technology giving him the ability to fight the war at
the front line.
In a press briefing, Donald Rumsfeld famously said, "We also know there
are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not
know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't
[15] Clausewitz,
Carl von. On War. Edited by Michael Howard and Peter Paret. Translated
by Michael Howard and Peter Paret. Princeton: Princeton Universtiy Press, 1984
paperback edition 1989. See p. 119. He says, "Everything in war is very
simple, but the simplest thing is difficult." This coincides with his
concept of friction.
Clausewitz, p. 88.
Clausewitz, p. 120.
Clausewitz, p. 121. Specifically Clausewitz says, "Friction, as we choose
to call it, is the force that makes the apparently easy so difficult."
Kautt, pp. 30-32.
David M. General. "Leaving Afghanistan to the Afghans." Foreign
Affairs 90, no. 5 (September/October 2011): 45-53. General Rodriguez makes
the point that we should be thinking critically as military leaders and
adapting to change before change forces us to adapt. This coincides with how
Clausewitz considers the 'friction' as a necessary consideration in war because
that is where war becomes difficult.
Clausewitz, Carl von. On War. Edited by
Michael Howard and Peter Paret. Translated by Michael Howard and Peter Paret. Princeton:
Princeton Universtiy Press, 1984 paperback edition 1989.
Jomini, Henri baron. The
Art of War. Kindle Edition. Translated by G.H. Capt. Mendel and W.P.
Lieut. Craighill. Public Domain
Books, 2009 Originally published in 1862.
Kautt, W. H. Ambushes
and Armour The Irish Rebellion 1919-1921. Dublin: Irish Academic Press,
Laden, Usama bin.
"Aljazeera English." Archive: Full transcript of bin Ladin's
speech. November 1, 2004.
(accessed October 20, 2011).
Paret, Peter, ed. Makers
of Modern Strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age. Princeton:
Princeton University
Press, 1986.
President of the
United States. The National Security Strategy of the United States of
America. Washington,
D.C.: The White House, 2010.
Rodriguez, David M.
General. "Leaving Afghanistan to the Afghans." Foreign Affairs
90, no. 5 (September/October 2011):
Rumsfeld, Donald H.
"U.S. Department of Defense." Transcript: DOD News Briefing -
Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen.
Myers. February 12, 2002.
(accessed October 25, 2011).
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